A couple of weeks back, I subtly released Jankteki 0.6, which brought with it a refactor, lots of instability, and a feature that I’m hoping will be useful to people that aren’t me: The ability to add user notes against a user on jinteki.net.
Have you ever added a friend on Jinteki and forgot why they’re there? Me too – now I don’t need to, I can add user notes. Here’s a demo of it in action:
As I said, it has brought with it a bit of instability, and it is still in its early days in terms of quality / interaction / etc. But I need to tell people about it, in case they think the software got buggier for no reason whatsoever. I also think it’s a nice basis to build further features upon, and want to get input on it as early as possible.
One of the silver linings of the breakages is that it has led to me tightening things up in the code base.
Scarily enough, there are now just shy of 1500 users of this extension now, and when it breaks, it seems to annoy people. Going below 5 stars in the chrome extension store gave me some real impetus to try to stop that all happening again.
There are now some tests, and build scripts, and stuff that makes it look like I have any idea what I’m doing, to aid with keeping things stable in the future.
If however, something does get through these very porous nets – head on over to http://github.com/simons/jankteki to raise a bug. There’s a proper readme over there now too, so that should give you all of the information needed to get problems sorted in good time.
And if you have no idea what I am talking about, but do know what Android: Netrunner and jinteki.net are, download the Jankteki extension from the Chrome webstore. It’s pretty useful.