Election, 1999 – ★★★★ May 31, 2020 at 11:45PM
Author: Simon Scarfe
I’ve just signed up for Coursera’s Programming Languages course. Watched the intro, and can’t remember feeling so hyped about an MOOC.
There’s something deeply artistic and elegant in
the way programming languages fit together and I want you to stretch your mind, and
I want you to look at this course as a fresh way to look about software.
A fresh way to think about programming that you’ve never thought about before.
We’re going to make you uncomfortable.
We’re going to do things in a strange way.
Quite a claim.
The Invitation, 2015 – ★★½ May 27, 2020 at 11:38PM
Seeing Allred, 2018 – ★★★★ May 27, 2020 at 12:49AM
This is my first attempt at a deliberate WebMention, so all of the apologies if this doesn’t work, goes wrong, or embarrasses me in some other way.
Me and my partner recently finished season one of Upload and drew very similar conclusions and comparisons to Ian. I pushed for us to watch it off the back of the writer, Greg Daniels’ previous work (he wrote the US adaptation of The Office and Parks and Recreation, both favourites of ours) and we’ll be watching his upcoming series on Netflix, “Space Force” for similar reasons.
Our only complaint was that it ended just as the conspiracy plotline was starting to unravel, it felt like a bit of a test-the-waters series, and didn’t feel like it had hit its full stride yet. But you find that a lot with American debut seasons (Parks and Rec really came into its own season 2, for example).
It was funny, an interesting take on the basic San Junipero plot, and leaves lots of room for development of those ideas – I loved the stuff around classism in such a future, and it looks like next season will inspect that even further, given the situation that the main character ends it in.
The Thing, 1982 – ★★★★½ May 23, 2020 at 11:03PM
21 Jump Street, 2012 – ★★★★ May 21, 2020 at 01:03AM
I have removed analytics from my personal site. The numbers provide no value to me. Nothing they tell me is going to make me change the way I do stuff here, so why feed into the global shitshow that is needless counting and tracking?
Thorough and pragmatic approach to measuring real-life page speed. Lots of great tips in here.
Thunder Road, 2018 – ★★★½ May 10, 2020 at 11:59PM